Wednesday, October 23, 2013


How do you feel when somebody has just made your day in the most amazing way and then someone else appears and ruins it all?

I sometimes wonder how people can be so blinded. Some people just go in circles all the time and they don't effin realize it. The subdue to whatever feeling is overwhelming them in that moment and then when a new one (sometimes negative, sometimes good) appears they subdue to it as well. Why can't they just opt for what's better for them? Why can't they just opt for what could make them the happier? Why can't they decide to stay in the right emotional cycle which is also the decision with the most benefits? Why can't some people just realize that they are empowered to actually fight those bad cycles too in order to achieve a more productive, care-free and happier life?

I happen to have someone who seems not to be able to do this. This person just subdues and never fights negative feelings which in the end when they leave him, seem to make him feel regretful of the things he didn't do but also, sometimes, of the unnecessary stupid things he did. This person seems not to have the will power of deciding to fight negative feelings but why? I wish I knew.

I've tried to convince this person of taking advantage of the good cycles. When he is energetic and clear minded but instead, again, when he is in a good emotional cycle he decides to do only the things which seem the easiest and within his comfort zone. I've tried to convince this person that when one has the most energy and positivism, it is exactly then when we should focus on the things we didn't get done during our bad times and even dare to challenge ourselves to boost up our self esteem, therefore preventing bad cycles from happening to soon and unexpectedly.

But he just don't have the power to do that.

And it's so frustrating.

You know? When you try to help someone and that person doesn't want to be helped and prefers to stay in his/her comfort zone because they are afraid of changes? They wish they'll get better but they just wait for a miracle. Or even worse, they say they try but it doesn't seem to work?

I'd like to know, if someone out there reads this, if there is a way to make someone understand that they should live life at its most and take each and every opportunity to improve and achieve happiness.Thank you.

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